Where is my Server?¶
If you're on a new site, you don't always know where your SAS Server is!
There are two options to find out programmatically:
Probably the quickest and easiest:
data _null_;
length url $128.;
call missing(url);
rc = METADATA_GETURI("Stored Process Web App",url);
put url=;
This macro gets a bunch of properties relating to web servers, however it's possible that access may be restricted, depending on the metadata permissions at your site.
%mm_getwebappsrvprops(outds= some_ds)
data _null_;
set some_ds(where=(name='webappsrv.server.url'));
put value=;
Load Balancing¶
The SAS Load Balancer comes with 3 parallel (multibridge) connections by default. This must be increased! A good minimum is 5-10 per CPU core.