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Building Web Apps with SAS

SGF2020 Virtual Presentation

Build a React Web App on SAS Viya in under 5 minutes

Clone, install, configure, build, deploy frontend, generate backend!

Create a SAS App in Just One Minute

This process will work the same on both SAS 9 and Viya - create the SAS Web Service, deploy and configure the frontend, launch!


DevOps with SASjs

An overview of the SASjs framework and how it can enable local (git native) SAS development whilst deploying and running programs on a remote SAS server. Recorded in June 2021 for the SAS User Group UK & Ireland. The slides are here.

Use "sasjs doc" to generate HTML documentation from source programs

With a single command you can auto-generate documentation directly from your SAS Jobs and Services. Recent updates include a homepage, and a Data Lineage diagram (jobs link back to docs, tables link directly to Data Controller if configured).

Using gitpod with SASjs

We configured our jobs template repository so that it can be launched with gitpod in a single click!

Running Tests with SASjs

If you'd like to check your test coverage, and execute isolated tests in a flow, for SAS Jobs, Macros and Web Services, then this video will be interesting! Full docs available here.

Other Videos

Scaffolding a SAS Project in VSCode with SASjs

How to compile, build, and deploy SAS projects from a local machine using your preferred IDE (eg VS Code). Includes an overview of sasjs flow, sasjs job execute, sasjs compile, sasjs build, sasjs deploy and sasjs add as well as sasjs folder delete.

Deploying and Using the Viya Token Generator

On Viya you need a client, secret and access_token to autodeploy your backend. This app makes it easy.

SAS Streamed SAS Rap

Streaming an MP3 file from a SAS Web Service. A to the mfn K!

HTML5 Games

Rock Roller

Github repo here

Sonic the Hedgehog

Github repo here